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发布时间:2014-07-07 访问次数:742


昨日的大雨换来的是今日的凉爽,也迎来了2门课的考试。Tushar Ghosh教授的测验虽小,却可扩大出同学们的学习情况,结束后教授讲解了表面改性的方法及作用,隔热是其一大作用;Renzo Shamey教授继续带我们领略色彩的魅力,可以通过4种模型观测颜色。

下午,Martin W King教授告诉了我们生态纺织对人类健康的意义以及将医用纺织品植入人体的设备,为人类服务是纺织品的使命。紧接着,第二场考试开始了。来自肯尼亚莫伊的Paul Wambua教授是第一次授课,他从基础的纤维讲到复合材料,天然纤维复合材料基体和增强体的选择会对它的性能产生很大的影响。


Yesterday's rain not only resulted in today's cool, but also ushered in a two course exams. Professor Tushar Ghosh’s test was small, but it could expand the learning of students, after the test the professor explained surface modification methods and its action , insulation is one of the big role; Professor Renzo Shamey continued to take us to taste the charm of color, you could observe color by four models.

Afternoon, Professor Martin W King told us the significance of ecological textiles human health and the medical devices implanted in the body of textiles, servicing to humanity is the mission of textile. Then, the second test began. Professor Paul Wambua from Moi of Kenya was the firsttime to lecture, he spoke from the foundation fiber to the composite fiber, natural fiber reinforced composite material matrix and the body of its choice will have a big effection on performance.

In the evening, Professor King continued to explain textile applications in medicine. I believed students had learned a lot from one day class .







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